Pyroillumination Aerials

Weapon (arrow), Uncommon

Vasteel has strict regulations on the sale, distribution, and use of pyroilluminations within the city’s walls. Regulators have cracked down so hard that, during the Harvest Festival, there isn’t much available aside from noise poppers and sticks that flare into the shapes of animals. 

As a young boy, I had the bright idea to set up a “magic item” shop selling contraband fire magic before the autumn celebration. I crossed the channel and purchase pyroillumination aerials from a specialty gnome workshop and took them back to sell in the city. 

I spent that Harvest Festival in the jailhouse next to the garrison after news of my venture reached the captain of the city watch. Lucky, he thought it was punishment enough for a lad to miss the festivities so he didn’t press further charges.           


Pyroillumination aerials can be launched from a bow. After you hit a target, the ammunition explodes filling a 60ft sphere with bright light. The dazzling blast morphs into a firey illusion. Roll 1d6 to determine the illusion and its effect.

1 Popper

You hear a faint popping noise and an unimpressive cluster of sparking butterflies flutter away. 

2 Willow Tree

A glimmering willow tree appears and slowly fades. Within a 60ft sphere of the target, bright light shines for 1 minute then dim light shines for 1 minute. 

3 Howling Banshee 

The horrible visage of a banshee appears along with an ear-splitting screak. Creatures within a 60ft sphere must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become deaf. They may repeat the check at the end of their turn.  

4 Fiery Flare

A blinding white flame envelopes the area. Creatures within a 60ft sphere must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become blind. They may repeat the check at the end of their turn.  

5 Big Kaboom

A chest-rattling wave of energy sweeps out from the center point of the blast. Creatures within a 60ft sphere must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.  

6 Dragon Breath

The shape of a monstrous dragon appears. Creatures within a 60ft sphere must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened. They may repeat the check at the end of their turn.

Category: Magic Items


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