Macino’s Ring of Sight

This infamous ring rested on the finger of Val Macino, a crime lord that Ruled Dockside for nearly two decades. A story is told that the icy blue eye set in the ring belonged to his son who he had killed for losing a valuable shipment of contraband potions to a night watch raid. The ring became a symbol of Macino’s ever watchful eye and his dislike for failure.


After putting this ring on for the first time, you become Blinded. You remain without sight for 4 hours until you become attuned to the ring.  Once attuned to the ring, you can use it as an additional eye. The eye never shuts even while you sleep.

While attuned to this ring, you have advantage on all perception checks. In addition, within 60 feet you can see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them, and perceives the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic.

Type: Trinket

Rarity: Very Rare

Requires: Attunement

Standard Ring of Sight (Variant)

After Macino’s death, Rings of Sight became popular among lesser crime bosses, but none lived up to the reputation held by Macino. Rings of Sight will always be remembered as the symbol of the greatest criminal Vasteel has ever housed.


After putting this ring on for the first time, you become Blinded. You remain without sight for 4 hours until you become attuned to the ring.  Once attuned to the ring, you can use it as an additional eye. The eye never shuts even while you sleep.

While attuned to this ring, you have advantage on all perception checks. In addition, you have Darkvision within 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision, your range is extended by 60 feet not exceeding 120 feet.

Type: Trinket

Rarity: Rare

Requires: Attunement

Category: Magic Items


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